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50% of coral reefs are destroyed! What you need to know to achieve the goals of the SDGs?

執筆者の写真: Misako ImaiMisako Imai

Have you heard about World Oceans Day?

World Oceans Day is a day to give thanks for the bounty of the oceans. This year, World Oceans Day 2021 will be held on World Oceans Day and will bring together opinion leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, community members, entrepreneurs, and other experts to promote the "conservation and sustainable use of marine resources" as outlined in SDG 14, designed by the United Nations. To achieve "conserve and sustainably use marine resources," SDG 14, designed by the UN, was discussed by opinion leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, communities, entrepreneurs, and experts from different industries on the biodiversity and economic opportunities that the oceans support.

Do you know what is happening in the ocean right now?

The oceans cover more than 70% of the planet. It is great, it is the source of our life, and it coexists with humanity and all life on the planet.

The ocean produces about 50% of the oxygen on the planet, is home to a wide variety of organisms, and is a major source of protein for the world's population of about 7 billion people. Not to mention, the ocean is key to our economy, and it is estimated that by 2030, 40 million people will be employed in ocean-related industries.

Despite these many benefits, the ocean needs support now.

1、90% of large fish species have been depleted by overfishing
2. 50% of coral reefs have been destroyed
3、What we are getting from the ocean is more than we can replenish.
4. Plastic waste pollution is spreading.

No organization is responsible for the world's oceans or atmosphere. That is why it is necessary to turn the world's attention to these oceans in order to improve the way humans interact with them.

Ever heard of the "Tragedy of the Commons?"

The ocean is a common resource throughout the world. That is why when we think about issues related to sustainability and the SDGs, we also need to consider the relationship between countries, which is a particularly difficult issue. One example.

 tragedy of the commons. This is a rule of economics that states that over-exploitation of a common resource available to the many leads to depletion of the resource.

For example, suppose you have only one cow and your neighbor has two or three cows. If your neighbor has more cows than you, earns more money, eats better food, is healthier, and has a better education, how would you feel? You would want to have another cow or two, too. But what would happen if other farmers did the same and added more cows to their herd? If that happens, there will not be enough food for the cows, and the whole group will be in trouble. In other words, the interests of the individual and the needs of the group will no longer match.

Let us return to the case of the ocean. Fish often do not stay in one local body of water, but move from place to place, or can be found in international waters where no country claims sovereignty. So, in principle, the fish resource is a common resource open to all. This makes it easy for the fishermen and fishing fleets of each country to pursue their individual interests in collecting as much of the resource for themselves as possible.


There are three ways to solve the "Tragedy of the Commons."

1. Individual action

Individual action is extremely important. It is very important for you to feel a sense of ownership by picking up trash on the beach, and for the people around you to see this and start thinking about the ocean and the global environment. However, since not everyone in the world has the same idea, individual actions alone are not enough.

2. community and group actions

Community and other group actions can solve "common problems" by bringing the group together to communicate. It is even more powerful than individual action.

3. government action

Governments working together can prevent the tragedy of the commons on an even larger scale than community or group actions. However, it is important that those governments are firmly committed to environmental and resource issues.

What can we do to help prevent the "Tragedy of the Commons"?

There are two ways we can contribute.

First, we can continue to learn about environmental issues. The state of the earth is constantly changing, and the problems are changing every day. By learning about the current environmental problems, we can understand what we need to do about them and take action.

Second, we can speak out against the government by disseminating what we have learned and through community activities. By doing this, we can help governments to properly invest resources in environmental issues and collaborate with other countries.

Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it? Here, I would like to suggest what you can do first. I would like to suggest that you spend your time thinking about being healthy and happy. When you are relaxed, you will be more motivated to learn and more considerate of those around you. In other words, you should spend your daily life in "good spirits," which will lead to sustainability. On top of that, you must determine and act on what you can do as an individual. By voluntarily taking the opportunity to learn and sharing what you learn with your community, society will move in the direction you believe is good and sustainable.

World Oceans Day motivated me to write this article. It is a very meaningful day for the 00's, isn't it? I hope this article will inspire you to think about the oceans and the tragedy of the commons.

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